Solar Panel Los Feliz


Workers putting on solar panels in a field Does it make sense for you to go solar? Most likely – yes! Solar power relies on technology, which is becoming cheaper and more accessible. When you schedule a free estimate with Solar Unlimited, you can learn about your options for Los Feliz solar electricity. You’ll be surprised by just how affordable solar is and how quickly you can see a return.

Schedule your free estimate with Solar Unlimited today!


Why Solar Electricity in Los Feliz is on the Rise

As a relaxed neighborhood in Los Angeles, Los Feliz is a great place to call home! The community has good schools, low crime and plenty of bars, restaurants, coffee shops and parks. As wonderful a community as Los Feliz is, it’s located in Los Angeles and has problems with air pollution and smog that spill over from the downtown area.

To combat this issue, California aims to be entirely green powered by 2045. While this sounds like a long time away, the work starts now. As part of this initiative, the state is focusing on producing more electricity from wind and solar. This is why more Los Angeles residents, including those in Los Feliz, are switching to solar.

And, as you may be aware, the California solar mandate went into effect earlier this year. Under this new building code, all new construction homes will have a solar system installed as an energy source. It’s more efficient and cost-effective to install solar systems during the construction phase, and it sets up more residents to use solar electricity.

With this in mind, it’s clear that solar electricity is the future for California. To ensure your property keeps up with the latest trends, a solar panel system in Los Feliz is essential.


Electricity Costs Continue to Rise in Los Feliz

When was the last time you saw your electric bill decrease? Probably never. Currently, Los Feliz residents pay around 20¢ per kWh, while the national average is 13.4¢ per kWh.

Over the last 10 years, average electricity prices have risen by 15%. For Los Feliz residents, high electricity prices are nothing new. But, as they continue to climb, residents are paying roughly 44% more than other Americans. This is tipping the scales in favor of solar installation in Los Feliz.

The main reason why electricity prices increase is because they rely on fossil fuels, which are not infinite. On the other hand, solar power comes from the sun, and the sun will be here for as long as we are. By harnessing the sun’s energy, you can create your own electricity for a fraction of the cost.


Is Now a Good Time to Switch to a Solar System in Los Feliz?

As technology improves, it allows solar energy to be more accessible and affordable. And, because you’re lucky enough to live in Los Angeles, there are a number of incentives and rebates that will allow you to save money on the cost of a solar system.

This is especially important for Los Feliz homeowners, as many rent out their properties. If you are in this boat, you can have a solar system installed for little or no down and increase your property value. When you sell your home one day, it will sell faster and for a higher price due to the solar system.

Here are some reasons to make the switch to solar panels in Los Feliz:


  • Great incentives. There is a 26% federal tax credit that will bring down the cost of solar installation by thousands. California also has a strong net metering program.
  • Green initiatives. As California works towards utilizing more renewable resources, we’ll continue to see more laws favoring these initiatives. By installing a solar system, you can do your part in generating clean, affordable energy.
  • Financial independence. It’s a wonderful feeling to produce your own energy using the sun. You don’t have to rely on the utility companies and their ever-increasing prices.
  • Quick payback periods. With all the sunshine that Los Feliz sees, it doesn’t take long to see a return on your investment. Average payback periods for Los Feliz solar panels are between 6-7 years.
  • Affordable costs. On average, solar systems in Los Feliz cost between $18,000 and $22,000, though this depends on a number of factors such as the size of your home and the direction it faces. These costs do not include the generous credits and incentives you’ll receive.


Start Producing Your Own Energy with Solar Unlimited

Solar Unlimited is the preferred choice for residential and commercial solar in Los Feliz. Our company was established in 1980, far earlier than many other solar providers. We remain committed to helping customers produce their own energy and be less dependent on the electric companies.


By choosing us for solar installation in Los Feliz, you can expect the following benefits:


  • Flexible financing options, including zero down and fixed rate loans
  • Highly trained technicians and 40+ years of experience
  • More than 12,000 solar systems installed
  • Repair and maintenance services by appointment
  • Premium components and materials


Solar Unlimited offers free, no obligation estimates. We’re confident that we can find a solution that fits your needs and budget. Contact us today to learn more about our various Los Feliz solar panel systems